The Ohio Department of Natural Resources is celebrating the Maumee River today, Thursday, July 18.
According to the DNR, “The Maumee River was designated as Scenic and Recreational by the State of Ohio 50 years ago.”
The celebration goes from 3pm until 7pm at Providence Park/ Kimble’s Landing parking lot (area near Metro Park’s canal boat boarding).
The festival is open to the public with 3 food trucks located in the parking lot at Kimble’s Landing and the Wildlife Mobile Kitchen from the Ohio Division of Wildlife along the trail.
Activities include stream quality monitoring, fish seining, build your own buffer zone, canal boat rides, upcycling invasives, build your own caddisfly case, native plant sale, boat and paddling safety. Hours for the mill and heritage center will be extended as well.
The event is free and open to people of all ages.